F# Kurd 20
Melody and versatility - The F# Kurd is an incredible scale with tons of possibilities. At the same time the extra notes on the bottom make it easy to play with harmony uplifting melodic composition at a whole new level. The ember steel material is the new standard giving the lush long desired sustain.
(C#3, D3, E3) F#3/ (G#3, A3, B3), C#4, D4, E4, F#4, G#4, A4, B4, C#5, D5, E5, F#5, G#5, A5
Material: Ember (Stainless) Steel
Built: OUT of Stock , ready in one month
20 notes
Evatek handpan bag NOT included. Upon request for aditional 210 euro (tax included)
The price does NOT include shipping. For that it will be issued a separate invoice after purchase. Shipping options at client’s choice (DHL, UPS) , to be discussed. If you have any questions prior purchasing please don’t hesitate to ask!